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need help?
The Unboxed Guide to Niche and Messaging

What do we cover?

Nail Your Niche Training Video: A full overview of my signature system for creating a niche, message and more.

Worksheets, guides and trainings to help you:

  • Do the right kind of market research
  • Discover what people say when you’re not in the room
  • Develop your niche and brand statement
  • Craft your messaging
  • Create stand out brand stories to totally revolutionise your message
  • Develop Content themes you can’t wait to get stuck into
  • Identify the problem(s) you solve for your clients so they can’t wait to buy from you
  • Understand your client journey
  • Create aligned packages and programmes
  • Create an Ideal client that actually works
  • Checklist to ensure your niche, brand and message is consistently awesome across every platform in your business
  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Unboxed Guide to Niche and Messaging Bundle$135

All prices in USD
